Emrik was born on the 1st July 2019 at just 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.
Mom Kelsey went into early labour and after many attempts to slow the process Emrik decided he would not wait.
EmriK was at the NICU at the foothills. He was then moved to Peter Lougheed NICU. Then due to heart complications he was transferred to ACH NICU.
It was announced he would need to go to Edmonton for heart surgery and was flown and ambulance transferred for his amazing surgery.
Surgery was a success so Emrik moved back to ACH.
Hope 4 MVC Kids Society have helped this family with full car parking costs, meals and grocery gift cards, gas cards and then last week with a hotel stay in Edmonton for his parents as Ronald McDonald house was full.
Total cost of support to date is $8,000.
This is what mom Kelsey said about this support ‘Having the financial ability to be able to see our son everyday at the hospital meant the world.
Without Hope for MVC Kids Society we could have lost our home.
We are forever grateful to Hope 4 MVC Society for removing our financial stress so we could focus solely on Emrik’