Our January ‘Family of Hope’ is a great reminder of how important it is that our family stories are being shared. As a board we appreciate knowing that our stories are being seen and allowing others to reach out for help after seeing their child is in need of similar assistance that was offered to another.
The Keim Family is our January ’Family of Hope.’

We are so happy to share their story of Sierra with you all.
Sierra is our 3 year old daughter who is diagnosed with MMPEI (Malignant Migrating Partial Epilepsy of Infancy). To sum up her diagnosis, she cannot walk, talk or eat on her own. She also has CVI (Cortical Vision Impairment). She started having seizures as soon as she was born, but since then, her EEG (brain scan) has come back showing no seizures! This doesn’t mean she is cured, or have a chance of have seizures again, but we will take the great news and run with it!
Sierra is very smart, and sassy, and knows how to get your attention when she wants it. Sierra has been working with her therapists as well as CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) to broaden her communication skills. We’ve reached a point in her CNIB therapy where she can progress to using an iPad and it’s amazing features to help her communicate even further.
Hope for MVC kids has been so gracious as to donate Sierra the iPad she desperately needs. We cannot be happier to receive this iPad as this will be her main form of communication especially when she starts school in the next few years. The apps her iPad can provide for her will help not only her eyesight, but give her the choices she needs to tell us what she wants/needs on a daily basis. We can’t wait to start using her iPad to discover new things about her.
Thank you so much Hope for MVC kids! We wouldn’t be able to continue Sierra’s progression without you!