August 26th 2021 our twin daughters, Callie and Harper were born at 24 weeks and 4 days gestation. They were not due until December 12th. They were born in the Sundre hospital and immediately transferred to the foothills nicu via neonatal transport teams. Both girls were intubated, Callie for 6 days and harper for 7 days. Finally they both were extubated and were put onto cipap machines. This only lasted 2 days as Callie got tired and they discovered Harper had a perforated bowel.
Harper had a primrose (drain tube) put into her lower stomach to help with drainage for the perforation. She had this for 5 days until the perforation healed on its own. The next and final time they were put on cpap machines was September 14th for Callie and 28th for Harper.
Callie has always excelled at anything they have thrown at her. She was discharged from the hospital on December 3rd! Harper unfortunately has had a bumpier road. From the perforated bowel, to very premature lungs things weren’t progressing for her in the feeding department. Her occupational therapist put her on a modified feeding program to help build stamina to be able to eventually eat by bottle instead of feeding tube so she continues to stay at the foothills nicu.
In the next few weeks we will finally get to take both of our girls home. Harper will be coming home on a feeding tube but we cannot be happier to be able to spend Christmas at home with our girls. We had never heard of Hope 4 mvc kids before having our twins. My sister had someone mention hope 4 mvc kids and that my family’s situation is exactly the kind they support. After checking out their Facebook page she pushed me to reach out to them. Hope 4 mvc kids has been truly amazing to us! The stress of not having to worry about expenses while we are in the city has allowed Dustin and I to be there for our girls and be 100% focused on them. We will never truly be able to thank Hope 4 mvc kids enough! Thank you for all that you do!
Thanks, Shaylene and Dustin from Sundre